Thursday, January 1, 2015

The cat is out of the bag...

(I wrote this a few years ago while very angry and very drunk, but it's a great place to start;)

I am going to make this really simple and easy to understand. Please pay attention. The following are facts that you may not know:

1)There are thousands of religions on this planet, all different. So that means it is only possible for one of them to be correct. With me so far? NONE of them are! Quit being so vain and cowardly, acting like we are Gods when we are only 7,000 thousand years old and worthless.

2)The most dangerous and most horrifying threats to mankind are: Corporations, religion, government and ourselves. Are you really to stupid to see that? Baaah!!

3)There is no right or wrong, good or evil, heaven or hell...Just survival of the fittest. We make rules like thou shalt not kill because most of us do not want to allow it and it makes us stronger as a race, but it is not evil or sinful. It is just ...well...a felony.

4)We are a virus! We kill, butcher, devour, defecate, litter, waist, vandalize, and reproduce. We are a cancer on Mother Nature's breast and she WILL remove it before it spreads and consumes her. We are not immortal or holy or even nice.

5)Everything is poisonous if you overdose on it. Drugs are drugs, legal or illegal. You take a chance every time you partake. They need to be legal, all of them. Regulated, taxed, and controlled. We all have different tastes and need to get them from somewhere other than the streets. Drugs are not the problem: The lazy, spoiled dealers who have too much time and money on there hands are.

6)Most people are never going to find a perfect partner. Nature never intended for us to be monogamous to one person. You need to be happy with yourself, by yourself, and if you find a partner I wish you the best, but we are not all gonna find one and many of us don't want to. (Emily and I are going on 6 yrs now, lol)

7)Sex is good;Sex is healthy;Sex is fun with your spouse, with your friend, with a stranger. It is not some secret treasure to be held under lock down for some prince. It is NOT wrong to do it and is nobodies business but yours. To wait til you are married, or to not do it when you are horny because someone told you it's wrong is moronic.Find someone hot, use a condom, and fuck.

8)Prostitution is unavoidable and important to peace of mind. It should be legal and reputable, and thereby much safer and cleaner.

9)Capitalism is a failure. It is better than most systems, but very much a failure because money makes money and then combines into mega-corps and crushes all in it's way.

10)We are all created equal?!?! That is the stupidest statement I have ever heared. Shaq & Me? Einstein & Marilyn? We are all different in many many ways. That is what we must embrace. No peoples are evil or stupid because of their skin or their geography, but no people are exempt from having members who are. When the shit hits the fan, cultures will flock to their own kind and we will be divided as a country if we cannot communicate with each other. We are in deep deep trouble...

These are facts people, regardless of how hard you try not to see it, and how badly the truth scares you. Ignorance is bliss(I hear).


  1. One thing I would take issue with here. Contrary to what lots of people like to believe and assert, NONE of us knows anything with absolute certainty. For all we know we really could be living in "The Matrix" and everything we "know" is a sham. So I think the statement that "there is no right or wrong, good or evil..." is overstepping what any of us is qualified to say. There MAY BE right or wrong, good or evil, and there may NOT be. We don't know.

    Iteresting that you list both corporations AND government as our greatest threats. Each is capable of doing positive things, and each is capable of doing negative things. Based on human nature, both will abuse whatever level of power they are able to attain. However, I think corporations have more of a vested interest in doing things harmful to society. Government is mostly harmful to the extent that we allow corporations to buy favor with it. Without government oversight, corporations would create the world Karl Marx envisioned. At least government has a measure of accountability to The People. The less regulation and oversight we let government have over corporations, the less accountability they have, and the more damage they can do. I'll take government as the lesser of those two evils in a heartbeat.

  2. EC, once again I agree with you completely. This was a drunken rambling that I wrote in 10 minutes one night, but I kept it for it's raw passion. The title (FACT'S you may not know)is meant to be ironic. They are my beliefs, but I obviously cannot validate them as facts.
    Our control of our government seems to be slipping away as the world becomes increasingly complicated & technically sophisticated and that is dangerous. The weapons available today are just so damn...effective, that it is truly horrifying.
    But, I have since seen what happens without corporate regulating. California's electric "crisis" and of course the global meltdown of our financial system after the newly de-regulated traders robbed us of house and home...literally.
    So as you said, any power given to anyone anywhere will, at some point, be abused. It is beginning to seem like our future in an Orwellian society is unavoidable, and we are just trying to delay it as long as possible.
