Sunday, April 10, 2011


   It is amazing how many things that they taught me in school have since turned out to be wrong. Pluto is not a planet now. The "food pyramid" has been proven very faulty. The famous Brontosaurus never even existed. It turns out they had the head on the wrong body (they think). Of course the T-Rex has changed a lot too. It used to stand straight up and moved pretty slowly in comparison to today's more accurate version. I don't know if I buy the whole "ROAR" thing, but I'll give 'em that one.

   So here are a few more "Facts You May Not Know" according to Kevbo:

   The "shortest distance between two points" is 0. Fuck a straight line.

   There is no "half full" or "half empty". Just like "half naked or "half dead", all contradict themselves and are basically oxymorons. Full is full. Less is NOT full. Half naked is wearing clothes, thus NOT naked. If you are alive, you are not dead, and not half dead. A "half truth" is only partially true, and therefore a lie.

    "E" does NOT "=MC squared". While skipping time I could believe in, going back in time is something I cannot fathom. So good try Einstein, but no.

   If you listen to your body, it will tell you what you need. When you are really thirsty, water tastes fucking phenomenal. Some of the things they say are good for us simply are not. For the most part, things that taste good are good for us. Things that don't...aren't. Now we do create things that taste good using sugars, fats, starches, etc. I am not counting man made things that we know are junk (like most things man made, lol).
  For example liver: It tastes disgusting. But it is rich in iron and therefore good for us we are often told. It tastes like shit because it is full of shit. It is the filter of the body, and full of, well....shit. I don't care how much iron it contains. I will get iron somewhere else before I eat cow shit.
   Until recently, if recovering from a heart attack you were instructed to stay in bed and get as much rest as possible. Again, just wrong. You need to get your heart pumping with some exercise. Staying in bed is the worst thing you can do.
  History is full of bullshit of course, since it is written by the victor. Does anyone actually believe George Washington never told a lie? Or that it was our "manifest destiny" to kick the American "Injuns'" ass all over the place, steal their land, rape their women, spread disease, force our religion on those "heathens" and wipe out their entire culture if even a few survived? I admit it was their fault for being on our land when we got here.

Two wrongs do not make a right...but three lefts do. (K. Bowman)

PS - In 12th grade, one of my teachers gave us an assignment in which we had to write a joke. This was my contribution. It was almost funny (I thought):

   They say a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Well, that may be true...unless the bird happens to be a rooster...because a cock in the hand is not worth near as much as a cock in the bush;)

1 comment:

  1. I do not know so much if I can agree with your black and white thinking. I see your point of view however perception is a huge part of reality and I perceive in color.
