Thursday, April 9, 2020

We can't trust our leaders...period.

Ok, here we are. Second week in April. Practicing social distancing and self-semi-quarantining. Trying to do the right thing to "flatten the curve". This invisible monster is everywhere...

   Here is the problem I have with this whole thing. First of all, we know for a fact that we cannot trust our leaders. It's their own fault. They lie and steal and cheat all the way up the ladder. We know this. Now does that mean they are absolutely dastardly enough to cause people to get sick? Innocent people? To die? We would like to think not, but we don't know.

   In fact, history would tell us that they wouldn't hesitate. For money, power, whatever. Let's just say it's possible.

   Number 2: I have been out there, driving around, a bit lately. (side note: It's pretty cool having all that room to drive lol). The hospitals I have driven by have less cars than ever there. I've been told they are just as barron inside. What???

   Now please I am NOT saying there is no pandemic, no virus, nothing. NOT saying that. Just asking some questions. Good ones I think. Remember when we could have discussions in this country without worrying if it offended someone or not? "I'm sorry, but maybe you needed to be offended" (Mike Muir - Suicidal Tendencies).

   Number 3: Why does it scare me that we are told to shut down our businesses (leaving us ailing financially), go home and stay inside (separating groups of ten!!!), That our supplies are limited and some unavailable. That the national guard has been activated and brought in, given assignments. That the Governor quickly banned the sale of hydroxychloroquine the minute that it was revealed that some tests have shown it to effectively fight the virus.

Why does it bother me that they are setting up camps for the infected, like Cashman Field?

   But one thing stands above all of that to me. They closed the LAS VEGAS STRIP. That is one of the scariest things I have ever seen. The kind of money and power the casinos have is unfathomable. This whole town and everything in it is here for them. The police work for them above all. To get them to shut down for even a minute is a dangerous move. That in itself shows how serious the situation is.

   I guess my only point is that something just smells fishy about this whole thing. Anyone have anything to add?


1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. Super fishy. It doesnt even make sense. Now we are even hearing that a virus doesnt even funtion the way we have all been taught and our parents and grandparents were taught.
