THAT IS the question. Unfortunately, we are so separated as a society that we can't even begin to discuss virtually any topics without anger and judgement. (Just the way they want us I have no doubt. Divided we fall...)
I am writing today for myself mostly. To try and sort this out; organize my thoughts. Well, here goes:
First of all, I know under the laws of our land, that I have the right to decide what goes in my body. I will not waiver from that belief.
Is there a reason to be hesitant? Are you kidding me? Of course there is...many.
Q: What are the long term effects?
A: unknown
Q: Do any of the vaccines actually work? If so, which ones?
A: I keep finding that people still can catch Covid 19.
If vaccinated people were immune it would be far more enticing, being that it is a vaccine and all...
On a personal note: I have been all over this town more than half of the days of this pandemic. Met with countless people. Been to parties. Even had unprotected sex (meaning no face mask) on many...ok on several occasions. I know people who have gotten sick. I know people who I have been around who had been, unknowingly at the time, recently exposed to Covid 19. Yet I have not been sick. I have not caused anyone to become sick (to the best of my knowledge). Why is that?
Here is my best deduction:
If Covid 19 is as easy to spread as they say, then virtually everyone has to have had it. I think what they are overlooking, or ignoring, is that most people who are positive do not get sick. Healthy people don't get tested near as often as the sick do, and without simptums never even know they had it.
I believe it is extremely likely I have had it and didnt get sick. Example: Athletes (Baseball, Football, Basketball, etc.) They test then for Covid regularly. Many of them come up positive, causing the them to miss games, or even reschedule games, while they quarantine. And virtually none actually get sick. If it wasn't for the mandatory testing, they would never even know they were positive.
No admittedly we're talking about probably the healthiest specimen group that we could find in professional athletes, but you see my point I hope.
So am I endangering anyone by not getting the vaccine? If the vaccine works, then they have nothing to worry about. And if it doesn't then why on Earth would I want to get it?
Ok then, how much trust and faith do I have in the powers that be? Has everyone forgotten that time and time again they have proven that they will say and do anything in order to complete their agenda without regard for their constituents or anyone other than themselves? On the trust issue they get a zero from me. It really doesn't matter if it was conceived or manipulated by humans in the first place because we know that, planned or not, they will still try to make a buck off of it.
What really scares me is how quickly people turn on each other and point fingers and blame, seemingly forgetting that in a free country we have a right to choose what we do with our own body.
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