Friday, February 10, 2023

Great Balls Of Fire!

   Ok, as usual I am going to be blunt. There is a very fascinating point to this story...I think.😕Anyway...

   Long story short, I was eating some chicken fingers, Buffalo style. I got distracted, and I scratched my balls with hot sauce on my fingers.😲😂I felt the burn. It was uncomfortably warm, and a little painful.

   And I got a rock-solid erection!

   When we are young, we get erections whenever our penis decides to. It's out of our control. That's why teenage boys do such stupid stuff. Then, as adults we get erections when we want to; In other words when it's time to use it. 

   As an older man, I have no problem when I'm with a woman. Works just fine. But I don't masterbate very often anymore because it has become more difficult to get excited by myself. If I do start to, I quickly lose interest.

   My point is that a little hot sauce on the balls and bam! I did not know this for I have never had Buffaloed balls before! Just fyi...


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

 Friends An adult story

  This was a recent development. I have a "friend" whom we will call Jane. She is pretty, large fake breasts, and we were hanging out a lot. She's single, a stripper, but the funny thing is we mostly cooked meals. Large, yummy meals. She's skinny and didn't eat that much, but likes good food, as do I. I am, of course, less skinny...

  Anyway, one night, after dinjner, we are hanging out and Jane asks me, "So what do you want to do?" Well, I won't use the words I used, but I told her I wanted to have sex with her. Without hesitation she replies, "OK, but you gotta wait a week". 

  I was extremely happy with that response. I didn't ask why the delay...I didn't care. That was a "yes"! Very cool.

  So about a week and a half later we were hanging out, and I brought up the subject. She tells me, "Oh, I was joking". "You know that I wasn't, right?" was my response. "I can't believe that you believed me" she says, while LAUGHING. "That's what friends do. They trust each other" I replied. "I told you we were just friends" she remarks.

  Now that last comment was a couple years ago, when someone else asked us if we were together, and she said we were just friends. And at that time she had a boyfriend. So I'm supposed to know she was "joking" when she said yes?

  "Well I just want to be friends" she says. Now tell me if I was out of line with my next statement: "I have had hundreds of women tell me "no" in my life, and not once did I stop being friends with them for turning me down. You, on the other hand, lied to me and LAUGHED at me for believing you. That's not very friendly".

  We are not friends anymore. And I have a feeling that when my name comes up she probably tells people "He's not friends with me anymore because I won't have sex with him". Oh well...

Friday, November 25, 2022

Adults Only This is A true story

 Safe Words an adult story

   You know how some people just exude sex? They can't not be sexy? Well Cindy ( A pseudonym) was one of them. Men and women were attracted to her. Everyone wanted her time. Most wanted her. I was at a friends when she pulled into town; Escaping her troubles in Chicago. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

  She was pretty: Tall, long brown hair, long brown legs. Shifty eyes and a pirate's smile. She looked like trouble for sure. But she was sexy far beyond her looks. I am not a shy man but I couldn't even speak that day. Probably for the best.

  Well it turns out she read me like a book. Cindy was a pretty smart woman, and had outstanding instincts at reading people. We talked a couple times and became friends, or at least friendly acquaintances.

  One day I was at a friends house. He had a small party going on. Maybe a dozen people were there. I saw the front door open and Cindy walked in. She had a blue jean skirt on and a button up blouse that was instead tied in the front. She looked amazing. 

  The stereo was up pretty loud. Too loud to talk. We eventually made eye contact. She mouthed to me "Hi". I mouthed back "wow!". 

  She sat down on the couch. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She knew that too. And without looking at me she managed to spread her legs, revealing her clean-shaven panty-less self to me, with people all around completely oblivious to her performance. She was rubbing herself.

Ok, so now you get an idea of It turns out, she also has a pretty good sense of humor...

  I have a notoriously demented sense of humor. I can sometimes by fairly funny (though to me I am fricken hilarious all the time). She caught on to that to. Anyway, eventually we got together and had sex a few times. It was very hot. Great marathon sex. A little rougher than I was used to, but very hot.. We were getting dressed and talking one time and she said to me, "You know you don't have to hold back. I could tell you were worried about hurting me...well don't be."

  She was right. I would grab her to keep her still, but was worried about slamming her down or grabbing her to firmly. So she says, "Listen. The next time you see me, wherever we are, whatever we are doing, whenever you want to, grab me and have your way with me. I am giving you permission here and now." "What if there are people around?", I said. "Whatever you are comfortable with. That's up to you." she replied. "Whatever you can get".

  "You will let me do whatever I want?" I asked. "Whatever you can get. I didn't say I would submit. I just said you have my permission," she explained.

  WOW! I have never tried anything like that. Very interesting. But I have heard stories...

  "Ok I think we should have safe words then." I proposed. For those of you who don't know, a safe word allows for the ability to get rough, fight, yell things like "No. Stop. Don't." and it's all part of the game. We can ignore those comments unless someone uses their safe word. That is the only thing that means "stop", in case things go past what one of us finds acceptable.

 So she chooses "Peaches" and I choose "Cream". And we go our separate ways. I am very excited with this situation, having never done anything like this before.

  So a couple mornings later, I get a knock on my door. I open the door and Cindy is standing there. Before I can finish saying "Good morning Ci.." she punches me in the face...HARD. She then turns around, and walking off she utters "Peaches bitch".

Sunday, August 15, 2021

To V Or Not To V...

 THAT IS the question. Unfortunately, we are so separated as a society that we can't even begin to discuss virtually any topics without anger and judgement. (Just the way they want us I have no doubt. Divided we fall...)

  I am writing today for myself mostly. To try and sort this out; organize my thoughts. Well, here goes:

  First of all, I know under the laws of our land, that I have the right to decide what goes in my body. I will not waiver from that belief. 

  Is there a reason to be hesitant? Are you kidding me? Of course there is...many. 

Q: What are the long term effects?

A: unknown 

Q: Do any of the vaccines actually work? If so, which ones?

A: I keep finding that people still can catch Covid 19.

If vaccinated people were immune it would be far more enticing, being that it is a vaccine and all...

On a personal note: I have been all over this town more than half of the days of this pandemic. Met with countless people. Been to parties. Even had unprotected sex (meaning no face mask) on many...ok on several occasions. I know people who have gotten sick. I know people who I have been around who had been, unknowingly at the time, recently exposed to Covid 19. Yet I have not been sick. I have not caused anyone to become sick (to the best of my knowledge). Why is that?

  Here is my best deduction:

  If Covid 19 is as easy to spread as they say, then virtually everyone has to have had it. I think what they are overlooking, or ignoring, is that most people who are positive do not get sick. Healthy people don't get tested near as often as the sick do, and without simptums never even know they had it.

  I believe it is extremely likely I have had it and didnt get sick. Example: Athletes (Baseball, Football, Basketball, etc.) They test then for Covid regularly. Many of them come up positive, causing the them to miss games, or even reschedule games, while they quarantine. And virtually none actually get sick. If it wasn't for the mandatory testing, they would never even know they were positive.

  No admittedly we're talking about probably the healthiest specimen group that we could find in professional athletes, but you see my point I hope.

  So am I endangering anyone by not getting the vaccine? If the vaccine works, then they have nothing to worry about. And if it doesn't then why on Earth would I want to get it?

  Ok then, how much trust and faith do I have in the powers that be? Has everyone forgotten that time and time again they have proven that they will say and do anything in order to complete their agenda without regard for their constituents or anyone other than themselves? On the trust issue they get a zero from me. It really doesn't matter if it was conceived or manipulated by humans in the first place because we know that, planned or not, they will still try to make a buck off of it. 

  What really scares me is how quickly people turn on each other and point fingers and blame, seemingly forgetting that in a free country we have a right to choose what we do with our own body.


Thursday, December 24, 2020

Fuck Kevin

 This is a new low. How have i allowed this to happen?

   I sit here alone on Christmas Eve with no where to go, nothing to do, and no friends. Everyone who i thought gave a shit... didn't. Been fucked over by people i dont even like. Being denied a friendly ear by people i cant stand. Everyone...

   One person, who i do like, and for whom i went out of my way to pick up and then take her to pick up a bunch of her belongings, proceeded to accuse me of talking bad about her right in front of her, and left angry. And when I say left here I mean I drove her of course.

   Another one, whom i have known forever, comes over when she needs something (couple times a week) even though she can't stand me.

   One woman, to whom i donated a few hours of my time this week, promised on Tuesday to give me a ride to my car. After standing me up completely, she then proceeded to bitch me out cause I'm "an asshole".

   Still another uses me for my hospitality, promising to "pitch in",  and then trips out today (Xmas eve), demanding i bring her money. She also texts a friend of mine trying to start trouble.

  Another stayed at my place for like 6 months this year during the corona virus pandemic, and now owns her own house. She won't answer her phone or door for me, and makes excuses to not let me come over when i do catch up with her.

   I find myself chasing after these people, that i don't even like, because i have no one else. Everyone hates me...

   Now obviously is the time where i should take a good look in the mirror and ask myself "why"?  So i have...and the answer is that people are mean, nasty, jealous, callous and cruel. Other than having very poor taste in picking who i associate with, i am not to blame. I go out of my way, way out of my way, to help these people. Donate my time and money and ear to better their lives. Selfish Fucks.

   I try to help someone everyday...sometimes small things, but often larger, longer time consuming ordeals. My hope is that, in the spirit of "Pay It Forward", someone will be there for me when i am in need of a friend. 

   But I have found that if you help someone in need, they will remember you...when they are in need again. So here i sit...alone. Blogging.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

We can't trust our leaders...period.

Ok, here we are. Second week in April. Practicing social distancing and self-semi-quarantining. Trying to do the right thing to "flatten the curve". This invisible monster is everywhere...

   Here is the problem I have with this whole thing. First of all, we know for a fact that we cannot trust our leaders. It's their own fault. They lie and steal and cheat all the way up the ladder. We know this. Now does that mean they are absolutely dastardly enough to cause people to get sick? Innocent people? To die? We would like to think not, but we don't know.

   In fact, history would tell us that they wouldn't hesitate. For money, power, whatever. Let's just say it's possible.

   Number 2: I have been out there, driving around, a bit lately. (side note: It's pretty cool having all that room to drive lol). The hospitals I have driven by have less cars than ever there. I've been told they are just as barron inside. What???

   Now please I am NOT saying there is no pandemic, no virus, nothing. NOT saying that. Just asking some questions. Good ones I think. Remember when we could have discussions in this country without worrying if it offended someone or not? "I'm sorry, but maybe you needed to be offended" (Mike Muir - Suicidal Tendencies).

   Number 3: Why does it scare me that we are told to shut down our businesses (leaving us ailing financially), go home and stay inside (separating groups of ten!!!), That our supplies are limited and some unavailable. That the national guard has been activated and brought in, given assignments. That the Governor quickly banned the sale of hydroxychloroquine the minute that it was revealed that some tests have shown it to effectively fight the virus.

Why does it bother me that they are setting up camps for the infected, like Cashman Field?

   But one thing stands above all of that to me. They closed the LAS VEGAS STRIP. That is one of the scariest things I have ever seen. The kind of money and power the casinos have is unfathomable. This whole town and everything in it is here for them. The police work for them above all. To get them to shut down for even a minute is a dangerous move. That in itself shows how serious the situation is.

   I guess my only point is that something just smells fishy about this whole thing. Anyone have anything to add?