Sunday, March 20, 2011

SEX (OH NO!) Part I

   In America, sex is a secret. Bring the subject up in any public conversation if you don't believe me. You can't  see it on TV. You can't learn about it in school. Friends, families, neighbors...nothing. People who do admit to having sex, or even talk about it are labeled & frowned upon as less morally fit than the rest, especially the females.
  I also believe that very, very few people in America ever truly get a chance to explore their own sexuality, and most have never really considered exploring it because they do not realize that they can! Insecurities (which the media do a great job of pounding into all of our heads daily. "You're too fat, need face lift, tummy tuck, breast implants, make-up," etc) and peer pressures to fit in make it tough enough.
   Then there is religion which loves to declare "sex" and "love"  as indivisible; as this complicated holy sanction requiring you to follow their strict rules or you are unholy & cursed. "Sex"  and "Love", make no mistake, are completely different things, though most of us have confused the first with the latter at times. This tends to be a much easier concept for men to accept than women. The obvious example is that we all love our Moms or sisters, without the slightest thought of sex, but most guys know of  some chick we don't like, or even hate, that we would bend over the copy machine in a second if ever we were so lucky to have the chance. Some people, well some women, claim they can only have sex with someone they love. That's their choice and I respect it....or at least I accept it, lol.
   Many people also are raised and taught that sex is a no-no until you get married, which really begs the question "Do I love her or do I just need to get laid?"..and "What if she is a dead lay?" or "has a penis?" lol....Come on! Do you really think nature gives a damn what legal certificates we possess?
   OK, OK...I am getting a little carried away. I hope you get my point. Let's look at all this objectionably.
   First off, let me make something very, very clear. If two people are in love...have found someone who "rocks their world", they don't want anyone else...Good for them! Anyone who finds happiness is very lucky & I DO respect that. I am not against marriage and I am not trying to tell anyone else how to live. Quite the contrary...
  What so many people don't know, or never consider, or are scared to say is that Sex is natural. Sex is important. Nature has designed us to yearn to have Sex to multiply & thrive as a race (One of the greatest phrases ever coined is "race", ain't it? The human "race"...very fitting). Physically, we "need" sex. Going without sex has serious mental & physical consequences, or at least clouds our judgement. OK, ready for the newsflash?

Sex CAN BE great with a soul mate. Sex CAN BE great with a stranger. Sex CAN BE great with friends. Sex CAN BE great in groups. Sex CAN BE great with your family...LOL, ok maybe not that last one. Sex can be great by yourself too...i guess.

   Now I am not trying  to say that everyone should be fucking everyone they meet. (I keep having to clarify my points because otherwise, and probably in spite of, people do NOT tend to be objective on this subject and will right off my opinion without ever seriously considering it) I recommend using an honest approach, not to mislead potential partners, to use condems, and discretion out of respect for them, but those calls up to you. I also recommend that for legal reasons, if not moral ones, all participants should be adults AND consenting.
   My point is that how, when and who you have sex with is up to you and no one else. Do not ignore your sexual fantasies because of what society deems as proper or parameters others have set.
(More to come in a few days. Next it gets really interesting) KB

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